Monday, 16 January 2012

A trip to the Mecca of Technology

I was recently invited to the annual sales kickoff of our GIVP winner Embarcadero in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.  I saw this. Truly awesome, I think the quote was "catch him whilst he's around".

Embarcadero won the 2011 GIVP award for Appwave .  Appwave is an incredibly innovative offering for a business application store which is very much of the moment.  Tapping into the whole consumerist ion of IT, mobility and socialisation themes this is very much something that is going to happen for businesses it's just a question of how and when.
Old ones are the best ones
Switching tack slightly, one of amazing insights I took from the event was that with their Rad xe2 Studio product they are generating over 50% year on year growth.  That is unprecedented in the software world when I tell you that the original source code is over 17 years old.  If any knows of products that have had similar experiences and metrics both inside and outside the technology world I would love to hear from you.
Lastly one of big learnings of the event was about something called FireMonkey. I'm getting a little off my technology comfort zone but an innovative complier that enables you to use the same source code for windows and IOs. Two for the price of one. Not bad, in this austere times. That is something well worth checking out.

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