Thursday, 18 October 2012

Innovators of the future

I recently had an incredibly interesting and intellectually challenging morning as a judge at the Science, Engineering and Technology Student of the Year Awards. We sponsored this year’s Information Technology category.  The awards are established as Europe’s most important awards for science and engineering undergraduates and are open to all students who at the time of entry, are studying for an undergraduate degree at a university located within Europe.
This year’s winner came from Philip Kingsley, University of Bristol for his haptic elastic table for 3D multi-touch interactions, which effectively takes the Kinect concept to 3D multi touch with incredible visualisations that could enable surgeons to model and explore the human brain.
If the calibre of the finalists is anything to go by Europe’s innovation future is in safe hands, although what struck me was the limited insight on the value of IP and the challenges involved in its commercialisation. Is there not a case to include some entrepreneurial and innovation management options?

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